zorunda kalmak

  1. Fiil to have to account for sth
to be starved into submission Fiil
to have been let for a speech Fiil
to be stuck with someone Fiil
to reluctantly admit something Fiil
to grudgingly admit something Fiil
to yield up something Fiil
to have to eat dirt Fiil
to have to support the weight of the roof Fiil
to be obliged to sell one's house Fiil
to be compelled by illness to resign Fiil
to be compelled by illness to resign Fiil
to be condemned in costs Fiil
to be condemned in costs Fiil
to be liable for support Fiil
to pay a devil Fiil
to abide by the consequences Fiil
to have to reconcile oneself to a life of proverty Fiil
constrained manner to find oneself constrained to do sth